Saturday, April 14, 2012

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

I would love to give advice to venus and serena williams. I would tell them to stop doing their own weaves and start getting them professionally done, then their hair would look so much better. I would also thank them for no longer wearing those beads. I mean come on, beads are for little children.

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

I'd tell them ALL to stop preaching to everyone about how we should donate money to this or that charity. I'm all for donating to good causes but I can decide for myself which ones. There's something very insulting about a millionaire telling me what to do with my money! I would also tell Britney Spears to put on some underwear. I would try to convince Paris Hilton to kill herself.

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

I tell Jade Goody to stop acting so horrible to Shipla and to stop pretending she is dumb!

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

I agree! Also, Britney Spears-no more kids! Get your tubes tied please!

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

You should also tell them to start acting a little more girly. They look kind of manly.

I'd tell Nicole Richie to stop eating before she becomes a beached whale. I like her size now.

I'd tell Britney Spears, whose supposidly pregnant again, to stop poppin' out them kids. She hasn't even lost the previous weight, she's going to be a COW! Also, people are gonna start thinking she's a rabbit.

I'd tell everyone that stars on laguna beach to get a real job because that show isn't taking them anywhere.

I'd tell Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson to stop acting like dumbasses. It's all an act and we know it. Just give it up already.

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

Britney Spears, take a parenting class and start staying home unless you have clean underwear to put on BEFORE you go out.

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

ditch the pig tails, Snoop.

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

I'd like to tell Paris Hilton to learn something from Ivanka Trump. Let's compare and contrast:

Both 20-something blond daughters of enormously wealthy parents.

Both really good looking.

But the similarities end there.

Ivanka studied hard in school and graduated with honors, works a really tough job, is intelligent and well spoken, and would deserve to one day run her Daddy's companies.

Paris is a spoiled brat that never learned to apply herself or value learning, and is an embarrasment to her family.

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

From the title of a Laura Ingraham book: "Shut Up and Sing!"

I want to hear good music and watch good movies and I don't really care to know about your politics and certainly don't want to hear you talk like you know the first thing about politics just because you have a platform to do it because you are famous. I can't listen to the Dixie Chicks now without thinking of Natalie talking about rednecks and patriotism. Do you want your nurse in a hospital sharing her politics or religion with you? No, just do your job.

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

Halle Berry, need to stop looking for a man to love her and love herself first.

Ne-Yo, I can make u str8 baby, once you try it you can't deny it.

Beyonce, stop acting stuck-up and maybe someone will buy the CD

Anna Nicole, please find out who your baby-daddy is, for your child.

Britney Spears, you were so ready to grow up, every since you became a star, honey now that u have kids you have to a real grown up. Be a role model for your kids, keep your legs closed and dress down.

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

it will be britney spears. i will advise her to put on a panty even

when she is going to sleep. the paparazzi might be outside her window, and get caught again by the camera without a panty

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

that is funny! lmao! but I would give advice to Beyonce and let her know that she needs to start speaking up for herself and quit letting daddy do everything and giving her this image as if she is a brat and thinks the world revolves around her. I would also let her know that her acting suck and she needs to quit ruining movies that might have a chance without her being in them...

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

I'd tell Oprah to get off that high horse of hers.

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

for all of the stuckup girls, paris, lindsey all of them people look up to you so cut the stupid **** out

If you could give any celebrity some blunt, no holds barred advice, who, and what would it be?

I'd tell Angelina Jolie if your trying to save the world and adopting a child from various countries to make up for all the bad karma that is coming your way eventually then it's a good thing your rich...

Because Ms. Jolie when it's all said and done you are nothing but a selfish, inconsiderate homewrecker who actually thinks of no one but yourself or the pain you inflict on others. In case your wondering what I'm referring set your sights on Billy Bob Thortan and you didn't give a damn about the fact that he was engaged to Laura Dern or the pain it would cause her. You adopted Maddox and I actually started thinking well maybe she does have a heart...that is until you walked on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith and decided you wanted Brad Pitt and again you gave no thought to the fact that he was actually MARRIED or the pain you would eventually cause Jennifer Anniston. All the charity work and adoption will not change what you truly are and won't change the fact that you tear apart peoples lives without a second thought...

I would tell Brad Pitt...don't be surprised when she sets her sights on someone new. Just remind yourself how the two of you got together. She will inflict the same kind of pain on you that the two of you inflicted on your wife...paybacks are hell aren't they Mr. Pitt...

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