Saturday, April 14, 2012

How can i get my hair like this guys?

How can i get my hair like this guys?

um get really good hair straighteners

and straighten it .. but u will have to grow it

i think that hair looks really cool

first grow your hair long.. then get it cut with a side swept fringe.. then start straightening it everyday.. and put some gel/spray/stuff on it =]

How can i get my hair like this guys?

get it cut like that and then get a stylist to show you how to style it like that with some gel...

How can i get my hair like this guys?

well it depends on what your hair looks like now, cause if it is different you would need it cut at a really good hair place not those barbers but you could show them that picture and see if they could do that. But if it is like that then you would need to use some type of im guessing hair gel to style it like that.

Hope i helped!


How can i get my hair like this guys?

hair straightener

How can i get my hair like this guys?

well it looks like its covered in gel so get it cut like that and style it with ur hands till ur happy with it

How can i get my hair like this guys?

go to great clips!

How can i get my hair like this guys?

Depends on your hair type. If you have curly hair it won't happen and if your bald then join a hair club. lol Otherwise once your hair is the right length, have it cut in that style and then blow dry to the side in the front using a light gel.

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