Saturday, April 14, 2012

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

and if so who? and why? people always say i look like Gwen stefani, i don't know why because i am surely bigger than her, i can only assume it's because we have the same hair and skin colour.

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

Yes, Alison Moyet and I are apparently identical!!

My daughter is always being told she looks like Gwyneth Paltrow, and my little grandaughter looks like Pebbles from then Flintstones !!!!!!! (The old man looks like Ronnie Biggs!!!! My son looks like Ross from Friends! What a bunch we are!!! lol!

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

lol. I've been told NUMEROUS times I look like that girl from Spy Kids... I think her name is Alexa Vega?


%26lt;3 I think it's because of our skin color, hair color, and our nouse, and just.. our faces. ^_^

how wicked is that? ;)

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

i was once told i looked like kylie minogue! this was about 5 years ago! was quite a shock. but a compliment - shes v pretty!

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

All the time.

Sarah Harding out of girls aloud!

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

Drew Barrymore, Sigourney Weaver, and Annette Bening. Weird!

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

I have..this Old MuchMusic host names Nam

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

I've been told that I look like Tyra Banks and Naomi Campbell.

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

Oh many times.

I don't see the similarity. But many do.

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

I have been told that I looked like Shakira...then I woke up....oh well.

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

yes. Julianne Moore %26amp; sometimes Anna Friel.

I don't think I look at all like Anna, it's just the colouring.

I would LOVE to look like Julianne , so I don't mind that one.

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

Yes I do. People say I look like various celebrities a lot but I can't remember all of them. I just remember one which was Vanessa Anne Hudgens. Also Alexa Vega and Cassie.

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

Yes but that doesn't mean you are more popular than you were before. That's just what you look like and looks don't mean a thing it is you personality that counts! Hope this helps.

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

hahahh... yea... idk wut her name is... but the grl who plays ginny in harry potter... i'm like her twin :)

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

for some reason people say i look like Penelope Cruz of Anne Hathaway but i take that as a compliment cause they are both very pretty

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

Yeah, someone told me I look like a biracial Adriana Lima. I don't see it, but whatever.

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

yeh ppl tell me i look like a model called lucy pinder. iv been asked for my autograph countless times lol. duno if its a compliment or not tho

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

when i grow a bit of growth on my face i've been likened to Chris Martin from Colplay. Wish i had his bird tho!

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

i used to get told i look like shirley manson a lot

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

I have been told i look like drew barrymore, i think its becuse of my mouth and nose, and if u look at my baby pictures and her in et we looks so the same. i ave been told by many different peole i look like her. it wud be cool to looks like gwen she s so beautiful i bet you are too

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

I get Mandy Moore alot and every once in awhile Alexis Bledel. I have the same haircut as Alexis and big blue eyes so I can see that we might be simiillliar.... and as for Mandy moore apparently I have the "cute face" upturned nose pretty smile thing. Maybe when I was not so much.

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?


BRITANY SPEAR!!!!(when she had hair )


Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

usher (jaw line) %26amp; will smith (ears lol oh and flat top years ago). thats about it.

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

People say i look like J-Lo

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

Yea people say when i'm older I will look like Evangeline Lilly

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

When my hair was very dark, I was told my hair and eyes were like Catherine Zeta Jones.

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

No celebrity look alike here. :)

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

Lita Ford !

Had the same hairstyle and her facial features.

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

I used to be called Posh spice in the spice girl years before she turned into the size zero she is today, but my friend looks like a mixture between Eva Longoria and Catherine Zeta Jones, lucky ***** ;D

Have you been told you look like a celebrity?

I've been told a few times that I look like Goldie Hawn when she was young.

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